Welcome to our fifth and final day of our Christmas Prep week! (read more about all the details here) Today is just a day to think about what is to come, further define what is important and edit one last time. Let's get started...

There is no such thing as a perfect plan. You can have all your non-negotiables lined up and a new one appears and you still have to choose. But with the time you’ve spent thinking and planning, you have a really good idea of the value of each thing on your list and where you need to compromise or not. You may have to make this decision daily as the Christmas Season draws closer, but you’re ready for it.
There are a whole host of other items you can’t “plan” for… be it, sickness, travel plans, or anything else that throws a wrench in our "perfect" plan but you can know yourself and what you need. Plan downtime. Be sure there is plenty of time for rest. Forgive yourself and others for when plans change.
This is the most important thing I can tell you this week… if you’re stressing over something that is NOT drawing you nearer to Jesus this season, allow yourself to cut it.
Anticipate what may come up but most of all use this season to Anticipate the One who matters most. Everything else is just a bonus.