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the blog

Making the $0 Library: The Challenge

Making the $0 Library: The Challenge

So when we last left off,  I had a lot of books, a room identified and had started a plan. You already know that it’s happening but it wasn’t an easy road to get here, and it’s not over yet so let’s start with my constraints and problems so far.  The first one is budget. It’s just not a season for any house projects. I’m sure you’ve been there too and you might be there right now with me. But, I walk a fine line between optimism and delusion and just can’t accept this restraint for very long. I’m really...

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Making the $0 Library: The Plan

Making the $0 Library: The Plan

I love books, like probably too much but I have no desire to change. The last year or so, it’s really been the perfect storm of books… We’ve amazingly inherited a few friends’ homeschool collections (unreal generosity here and we’re so very grateful! Homeschool friends, let me know what you need and I might have it to share, too!) Tripp decided he needed his closet space more than the books we had always stored in there (you know I couldn’t get rid of them!), I changed how we’re homeschooling for the year (meaning MORE books and and MORE trips to...

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Client Reveal: Moody Guest Suite

Client Reveal: Moody Guest Suite

We’ve all heard heard of “nesting,” right? Well,  there is also something very similar that happens when you become an empty nester…. And that is where the story of this room begins. One of my very best friend’s youngest son graduated and moved out. (You can see when her oldest son moved out here) He’s doing so well and we’re so very proud of him. But this meant what was his old room needed to be something a little more versatile for guests (and a whole lot less teen boy). So we started dreaming and scheming for the perfect room....

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Deep Thoughts on Deep Cleaning

Deep Thoughts on Deep Cleaning

I am not that person that has a perfectly clean and tidy house all the time. I don’t think it’s in my DNA plus we truly live in every single inch of our home and life can be messy. It is what it is and I am who I am but it I’m being totally honest, I feel better when things are cleaner and more orderly. I still have delusions of finding a system that works and motivates me but every day and week are so different it’s a moving target. While I don't have it all figured out,  I...

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E-Cloths: Get to Know Each Cloth

E-Cloths: Get to Know Each Cloth

Meet your next favorite cleaning tool! E-Cloths are specialized towels that harness the power of water to clean and disinfect. They are miraculous and you can use them over and over (most up to 300 uses) by just washing and reusing.   There are so many E Cloths but I have tested for you. I seriously love them all and can’t imagine going back to cleaning the old way. So without further ado, here is the complete list of all we offer with a little bit about them all (along with handy links for making purchases. THANK YOU)   Bathroom...

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