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31 Days Starts Now

October 1. A new day. A new month and the start of a little something different. 

I’m going to write everyday for the entire month. 31 days. That is a really long time. Do you know how many times I’ve started this journey? I don’t either. I’ve dreamed of completing this goal but never actually hit publish. I’ve written a few things to have ready for those days when there is no extra time but when you miss day one, those things don’t matter. 

So I’m doing it. You’ll find a post here every, single day and hopefully you’ll find something to inspire you, make you laugh and/or think, help you get something done or even just to give you a break. 

Will you join me? I hope you choose to do so in 2 ways…

  1. (the easy one) Read. Just come here everyday and read, comment, follow us on instagram and facebook and share your thoughts too. 
  2. (the slightly more difficult one) Challenge yourself to do something… anything… every day for the next 31 days. You choose! It can be simple or complicated but set your mind to doing something every day for the month of October and you’ll finish the month feeling proud and accomplished 

So there it is. I’m hitting publish and putting it out there. I’m finally doing this thing and I can’t wait for you to join me on this journey! You’ll find a mix of helpful tips, good things to do and eat and hopefully  a few things to just inspire you and make you think. Happy October Friends Talk to you tomorrow!

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