A long, long time ago an old friend signed me up for an email list about prepping early for Christmas. This was when social media was just for sharing personal stuff and blogs weren’t even really that popular but a little email list was kind of a big deal. For a whole week in October, someone (I have no idea who it was) would send a task to do now that would make Christmas easier later. While I didn’t follow it all and don’t remember much about what she instructed to do (except prep crockpot meals. That one stuck but I 100% didn’t do that one ) It made an impact on how I plan the holiday season.
What really stuck for me, was the idea of getting things out of the way earlier so I could enjoy the season later. Now this looks so different for everyone. I’m an early decorator but just can’t really grasp too much early shopping; and I know so many people have strict principles about not decorating before Thanksgiving. It’s not about changing what’s important to you, it’s about giving yourself time to savor what is important.
A few years ago, I did my own blog series where I laid out my methods for this and I still think that is so valuable. I actually started thinking about some of these things in August this year. Tripp asked if we were going to do a certain event. I hesitated for just a second because it was so far away then I reminded myself of how important that one event was and said a simple, “Yes!” because I know I will make time for that.
I don’t have limitless resources, time or energy. I am not one of those people that wants an event or plan every day of the week and if I do have a season of that, I am going to need ample time to recover. It is so valuable for me to look ahead and know that I have time carved our for the important things so that matter.
So I’m bringing you in on a little of this. Starting Monday, I’ll have a blog post with 5 things for that day that will help you prepare for the Holiday season. It might be a few tasks to do, questions to answer or even just things to think about for later. You will not find any orders to decorate early or really do anything outside of what you like to do; it’s simply just to get you thinking about what you can do now to free up time and energy later. There will be some overlap from the original series because those things really work, but I'm digging in a little deeper this year.
Join us tomorrow where you’ll find Five questions to ask yourself to set your priorities
Day 1: 5 Questions to Answer to Get Ready for the Season
Day 2: 5 Things to Get Now
Day 3: 5 Small Things to Do in Your Home for Instant Christmas Cheer
Day 4: 5 Ways to Simplify Your Kitchen for the Season
Day 5: 5 places to find inspiration